måndag 25 augusti 2008

The weekend that will never be forgotten

I'm on my bed in my parents' apartment with a huge cup of tea and some Italian biscotti by my side. I am wiped out. It's not even three in the afternoon yet, but I could go to sleep right now without any trouble.

The reason for this tiredness is this past weekend, that might have been the busiest weekend I've ever had. It started out with

Friday; I went to the gym at 12, got to work by 2, worked with one of my favorite co-workers until 7, biked like crazy to Karin's for a movie night. Left by 12 am and fell asleep around 1am.

Saturday; I got up, cleaned the apartment, went to the gym at 12, got the car keys from the rents' apartment, ran out to the car and drove to a new job. This was something that came out of the catering event that I did last weekend, and it's better pay than the other job I have, and it's a little different. And kind of hard to find it turned out. Because I got lost. And once I got there, things just went wrong from the start. We were two newbees there, Axel and I. I kicked it off by smashing 5 champagne glasses, spilling beer all over an old man and throwing silver wear out with the garbage. Axel managed to pour hot candle wax all over the kitchen, I don't think I've ever wanted out of a place so badly as when I came in only to find Axel in hysterics, tomato red faced with the greatest panic in his eyes. To add to it, we didn't get any break from 3pm till 2.30 pm. No, I'm not kidding. That's how long we worked for. All we got to eat was some samples from the wedding cake that we probably weren't supposed to even try. But, we were desperate. We also found out that the pay wasn't hardly as good as we thought it would be.
So, I got home at 3am, asleep by 3.30.

Sunday; My alarm went off at 6.50 am. I got dressed in 10 minutes, ran out to the car yet again, drove to my other job, and worked till 1pm. At 1.20 I picked up my dad, we changed seats in the car, he dropped me off at rehearsal at 1.45 (15 min. late) and I was caught up with what I missed and rehearsed for about an hour. Then we (4 singers and my conductor) dashed out to my conductor's car and drove out to Dalarö while frantically singing through the more difficult parts of "Jesus bleibet meine freude" and a hymn that we'd never heard before. And trying to figure out whether we should all sing the interludes of the Mozart piece or leave it for the guitar, whether we should sing all the verses of "What a wonderful world" and whether the pauses were syncopated in the song by "Ted Gärdestad" or not.

We arrived at the site where the wedding was supposed to be held at 4 by 3.20. We got dressed, ran down, did a dress rehearsal out in the open, and thanked all the powers for the wonderful weather. Until we realized we could hardly read our music cause the sun was sinking and shone straight into our eyes.

Enter bride and groome. Singing went well, they said yes. And then, as we sung the first phrase of the last piece, it happened. Something flew in under my skirt and bit me so hard the pain was unbearable. "The hills are alive with the sound of music" became "The hills are aliiiiiiiiiiive..." and I seriously thought I was going to faint. But I kept going, repeating to myself "the show must go on, the show must go on", kept my eyes fixed on the lyrics, finished the song, and then I limped into the bar of the restaurant where the reception was to be held, asked them for a bag of ice, put it on my, at that point, XL-sized leg and told the others to talk to me so as to keep me from thinking about the pain. Later I found the stinging part of a wasp stuck in my leg. I guess it must've fallen off when I tried to secretly and unnoticably get the "fly" out of my skirt by gently tapping my skirt..

So, now, I'm to enjoy my tea and forget all the obligations I had for today. It can all be done tomorrow, and I can start my diet then too.

2 kommentarer:

Jen sa...

Um... that does sound like quite a weekend. Ours was much more peaceful. ;-)

Nutmeg sa...

Firstly, I always want to say so much to every one of your blog entries. I love reading you. I am sorry I don't comment more.
I had a catering job just like that, 2 summers ago. It was a disaster. I still shudder to think about it. Worked a 12 hour day and got $100.
Also, I am sorry again that we did not meet up in Manhattan. Turns out my friend had mono and has been really sick. (she's ok now) Come back soon, ok?