torsdag 18 september 2008

Histology and "Barbie Girl"

Could somebody please offer to take my histology exam for me?! After a brief lecture on the different structures we're required to find among our 200 examples where our tutor couldn't even find them, my current state has changed from calm to slightly panic struck.

But now I have to put all my focus on choreography and lyrics for tomorrow's performance at the "PPK"-party. I lead such a busy life! I'm glad it has some variation at least!

onsdag 17 september 2008


I know this post is long overdue. And I also know I really shouldn't write it. Because I don't have time, and I'm slowly realizing I never will anymore.

School has started for real now. And it's great fun, but my oh my do we have a lot to do! Well, for those of you who are born Americans and are used to that type of med-school, this might not seem like a lot. I don't have 15 quizzes and 13 exams this week. BUT what is hard is that the way my program is set up in a manner that has you work on like 15 things at the same time. I have 200 histological things I need to learn to find in a microscope, I have a case study about the circulation system to study for without any guidance from teachers as to what I'm supposed to read, I have lectures about cell biology and biochemistry, I have clinical things like measuring blood pressure to learn.. The list is endless..! AND I'm supposed to only study 8 hrs. a day, have time to work out (not this week as I'm sick), sing, plan skits for the big party on Friday, sleep and have time to party..! Because that's how it's supposed to be!

I'll be back when my voice is back to normal..

tisdag 2 september 2008

Day two Exhausted!

Two minutes off again inbetween classes and social activities. I don't quite understand how I'm supposed to keep up this tempo for two weeks, I'm already so exhausted. In a good way though. Today I believe we're supposed to walk around all the student bars downtown. Interesting since my group will have to interview a senior doctor tomorrow at 8am sharp. Probably won't drink in all the bars..!

We had a lecture today by a woman who graduated from med-school about three years ago. Her subject was what we can expect from the profession we've chosen. And all the things she brought up are reasons why I have decided to actually become a doctor. That felt good and very motivating, too. I really feel like I'm in the right place which is such a relief.

In terms of social connections, I think it will take a while for it to settle. I definitely talk to people, but I have yet to meet the group of friends that will make this time in my life so special. It's going to be so much fun to look back on these first two weeks and the way I saw people before knowing them at all.

Well, I have about 10 minutes to rest before I have to get going again, so I will!

måndag 1 september 2008

Day one!

Two words before I have to dash off to our dinner party that we found out about this morning after having been fooled by some upper classmen. It's been a great first day. I've found people I can talk to and laugh with, and even though I don't know if I've met my best friend for life among these people, I still know that I can be myself.

The ages are very mixed. In my group we have three people straight out of high-school (lucky ones) and two thirty-year-olds. The living situation differs a lot between different people, too. Some commute from stockholm, some sublet like I do, and some are just plain lucky with first-hand-contracts.

Have to go!