lördag 23 augusti 2008

Moving thoughts

A week from today I'll no longer be a Kungsholmen resident - I'll be an Uppsala resident! How weird is that? To me it just seems unbelievable as of right now. I can't seem to fathom that I'm actually embarking the 5,5 year long journey that will, if I only do what they tell me to, make me come out as a doctor in the end. It's finally happening and I just feel great. BUT no matter how great all this is, I still have to be moved in by Saturday. And to my outmost sorrow, it dawned on me today that packing up my apartment in boxes will take longer than 2 hrs..

And aside from packing, there are so many other things I need to take care of. Like buying books, transfering the insurance from here to there, make sure my sister knows what bills to pay, decide what I'm to wear next Monday, calculate how much money I can spend over the semester. And most of all, learn where my school is and how the heck I'm supposed to get there!

I'm apparently fortunate for having found the sublet where I found it. It's apparently very close to everything, and apparently very conveniently situated when it comes to getting home late at night. Well great. It took me two hours to find it, and I have NO idea of wear it is in relation to all the other things that I really need to find! Like a grocery store, a gym, Biomedicinskt Centrum (where my classes will be at) and the student unions. But I did get a map with my first admissions package. Hooray!

Oh the joys of knowing that you know nothing...!

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