tisdag 27 november 2007

New York City

For some reason, I always miss the U.S. the most during Thanksgiving. Maybe it's because that's the only American holiday that hasn't tried to make it's way over here yet. Maybe it's because it's grey and dreary here, and that things always start to add up during this time of the year. Maybe it's just because I need to get out of here.
Either way, this year is no different from the other. Or well, it is. This year I'm missing New York City.

I would do a lot of things to be able to take a Sunday stroll in Central Park, smell the roasted nuts on the sidewalks, bump into the strangest characters on the subway, go down to Times Square yet again,to marvel at the neon lights that never seize to impress me, have a tasti.d.lite treat down by Union Square, go shopping for apples at Trader Joe's, take Winter's contemporary morning class at STEPS on Broadway well the list is endless..

I also miss my grandma very much. I loved having a sane grandparent, who I could call, could get groceries for, care for, help with all the modern things that don't make a whole lot of sense and who'd just make me feel so incredibly loved.

Oh... Those were the days...

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