måndag 28 juli 2008

Off work

Yesterday was one of the worst days ever at work. After having had a very enjoyable evening (read night and morning) with some close friends, I have to admit that a tad of Sangria and dancing was involved, needless to say, I wasn't feeling up for going to work when the alarm went of about 5 hours after I set it. I did though, as the reliable worker I am, and with big shades to cover my eyes, I biked off to work.

At work, there was nobody. And I mean nobody when I say nobody. The weather was brilliant. I don't remember when Stockholm has been under such a blue sky and warm sun before. So WHO is up for cinnamon rolls, or loafs of bread in a big, super hot Galleria where there's no AC?! Well, the occasional tourist who've read in his or her guide book that Swedish cinnamon rolls are something really special. But that's IT!

So there I stood, for 7 hours. Around 12 I usually get a lunch break, but apparently not today. And, to spice things up a bit, the cash register was broken, so I couldn't lock it, and thus, couldn't even run down to the bath room down stairs. Of course, this is so illegal, but I've learnt not to complain.. What a GREAT day for being a little hung over at work. Nothing to do, no bath room, and no lunch, and no customers.

I decided to use my friends to get through the day, so I gave them the number at work, so they could call and I'd have someone to talk to. Because, I absolutely not allowed to speak on my cell at work. And well, finally it was 5.30.

So, this day, when I'm off work, and the sun is still shining, I'll just be happy. It's too hot to be anywhere really so I'm thinking I'll just get in the shower, wet my hair and lay out in a park reading for a bit. I'm really behind on my reading for this summer, which is sad since I usually catch up on my reading during the summer. But I haven't really had any real down time this year at all, so I need to get it going!

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