fredag 7 september 2007

A very tired Friday

Certain things make you upset and certain don't. Probably not a new thought in anybody's mind.But did you know why they do? Well, I know. And I'm not very happy about it.
The reason is simply because our body is made up of a huge amount of cells of which I have to know the names. And all those cells make up different types of tissue of which I also have to know the names. And then all those tissues are subdivided into categories of which I also have to know the names. And it goes on and on from there.

I had no idea studying could be this demanding. It's not even a matter of understanding. It's just a matter of giving up everything else in your life and replace it with endless hours of cramming stuff into your head. At least I know it won't get any worse than this. But it's not particularily comforting at this time.

Just an outburst of anger and despair. Not much of a post really. But, becuase of the fact that our, pretty amazing, bodies have three different types of cartilige in them, I have other stuff to attend to.

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