lördag 6 oktober 2007


Like school wasn't enough, I also work every Saturday. I sell bread to people with the means to spend a little too much on their breakfast, and I make about 20 cappuccinos and 40 lattes a day (the number has decreased since I changed shops) and I'm "flight attendant" nice, dressed in a ridiculous head-scarf-thingy that makes my hair look like I've sat through three electrocutions by the end of the day.

But work is work, work is money, money is good, useful and very important right now. So, what to do? I have to get up on Saturday mornings, pray that it won't rain when I bike to work, and then, that I like the person working with me that day. Since my shift is 9.5 hrs long - a co-worker that I don't get along with is hopeless.

Today, nothing was right. I was tired, I should've studied all day since I have a big thing in school on Monday, and I had pain all over my body after, well, I don't know. It just hurt. I got to work and found that nobody was there yet which meant that my favorite collegue wasn't the one to accompany me today. The person who did show up wasn't horrible, but we just don't have much in common.

Then, things started to go wrong. First of all the bread didn't show up when and where it's supposed to. So instead of having about half an hour to upack and get stuff in order, we had 15 minutes which is waay too short, and we had to transport it all the way from the garage via an elevator. Then, it turned out they'd sent us all the wrong quantaties and some things they hadn't sent at all. So of course we had to call and complain and all that wonderful stuff.

And then, the day passed. Not too much to do, a few rushes, head aches and screaming kids around. I tried to study some during my 30 minutes' lunch break at 3pm, but that didn't really happen.

Then came the time for clean-up start (starts about two hours before closing). We've learnt that if you're efficient, you can get out of the store at least 20 minutes before you're scheduled to. So we did all we could, arranged the bread, cleaned everything and got ready for a possible last hour sale. (we do that in case we have too much bread) Everything is where it's supposed to be, and we're calm.
But then, it happens. The boss calls and says that we have to take bread from another store that doesn't do the sale. We tell him we already have waaay too much, but he doesn't care. And suddenly the little sale area looks like 3 hrs ago. Nothing is where it's supposed to be, and we're pancing.

But we managed to get rid of mostly everything, although it was the worst last hour ever. Then, came the time to count the money, which I hate because I feel like I'll ge robbed every second, and it's hard to keep your mind straight after 9 hrs of work. Of course there was a deficiency.. SO, we had to count again, and again, and again. And despite our efforts of getting ready early, we got out just as late as we were scheduled to.

And then.. I get home and my parents are hosting a dinner party. Time to move out? oh yeah..

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