söndag 7 oktober 2007

Ave Verum Corpus

This post is about a song that we sung in church yesterday. My choir participates in Sunday mass four times a year, and this week was one of them. I love this piece to death, and to be able to sing it with a choir that I've aspired to be for so long, was almost surreal. We also only had to rehearse it twice before we did it infront on an audience becuase these people are amazing!

I think it's interesting that this is Mozart. It's written so long ago, and still it makes my hair rise, and my eyes fill with tears. (A little troublesome as I was singing it myself) My whole day was altered because of it yesterday. It brings out somethings in me and makes me contemplate all those big things that I can't really govern.

Listen to it and marvel along with me.

3 kommentarer:

Jen sa...

It sounds lovely, but Con's getting distracted, lol. I'm going to send you another blog link - it's my former student who's a soprano... you might actually understand what she writes about!

Jen sa...


Anonym sa...

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